View Filters on Linked Files on the Revit Platform

View Filters on Linked Files on the Revit Platform

A client ran into an issue when trying to hide something in a Revit file that was being linked. The issue compounded itself when we learned that the family we were trying to hide was a “generic model” family; therefore, it was never put into a category. What made this even more problematic was that many different families that were made this way were inserted into the Revit model. So, follow along as I show you how to turn off these types of families from a link file.

1. Using the “tab” key select one of the families from the linked file and look at the properties to see what the name is.
2. Type in “VG” to start the Visibility Graphics dialogue box.
3. Go to the “Filters” tab and choose the “Edit/New” button.
4. In the Filters dialogue box choose “New” and give it a name “Objects in Linked File”
5. Choose “Generic Models” from the “categories” column.
6. Using the “Filter by” choose “Family Name”, “contains”, and now type in the generic model name that you discovered earlier.
7. Pick “Ok”, choose the “Add” button to select the new filter that you just created and select “OK”.
8. Last thing, take the check mark off for “Visibility” and pick “OK”.

Now that you have a filter setup, you can also add it to a view template and apply it to any view that you want. If you haven’t set up view templates, we will talk about that in an upcoming “Click Saver Corner”. Stay tuned!